Indigenous Monitoring Reports

Indigenous Involvement in Oversight: IAMC-TMX Indigenous Monitoring Program Reports

The IAMC-TMX Indigenous Monitoring Program supports the participation of Indigenous Monitors and their communities in the federal regulation of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. A partnership between the IAMC-TMX, the Canada Energy Regulator, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Parks Canada, IAMC Indigenous Monitors are full participants in federal regulatory activities, including:

Canada Energy Regulator:

  • Environmental and safety field inspections
  • Emergency management exercise evaluations
  • Information exchange meetings

Fisheries and Oceans Canada:

  • Fisheries Act and Species at Risk Act compliance verification site visits

Parks Canada:

  • Environmental surveillances

Below, you can find the technical reports that include Indigenous Monitor’s observations from inspections and any compliance enforcement actions taken by regulators. The IAMC-TMX also produces summaries of the public technical reports.

Please note: The IAMC-TMX does not approve content of these reports. Views, issues, concerns, or positions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Committee.


Indigenous Monitoring Reports (CER)

Indigenous Monitoring Reports (DFO)

Westridge Marine Terminal


The CER’s reports for compliance verification activities are moved to the “Final” stage after all of the Inspection Team’s observations and non-compliances are included, and the draft report has been reviewed by the regulated company.  The reports are ‘closed’ after all non-compliances have been resolved.  If there are outstanding non-compliances when a report is moved to the final stage, the closed report will have updates including the information received and measures taken to resolve the non-compliances