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Co-Chair Update to Communities on BC Floods

 Láw | ĆENÁ | | Deey | čačim hihak kʷaa | ʔéx kʷ n̓ 
Weyt-kp | Kalhwá7acw | gwetaʔaghunt’I | Hadih | Wayʼ
Tansi | Âba wathtech | Aaniin | Dadanast’ada | Tawnshi

December 24, 2021 

Dear Communities, 

We would like to provide you with an update on the flood situation in British Columbia relating to the Trans Mountain Expansion and existing pipeline. 

Members of the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion and Existing Pipeline (IAMC-TMX) have been busy since the disaster started and formed an Indigenous Response Team. As part of that operation, one of our Indigenous Monitors was deployed to the Canada Energy Regulator’s (CER) Virtual Emergency Operation Centre (VEOC) in Kamloops on November 25th and joined the CER Field Response Team that same day. 

On December 3rd two more Indigenous Monitors (IM) and the Chair of the Indigenous Monitoring Subcommittee joined the team and, working closely with the CER Field Team actively reviewed and monitored the work sites. Between November 26th and December 5th, the IMs observed Trans Mountain, Enbridge, and Ministry of Transport worksites (work in and near water courses), focusing on safety, Sites of Indigenous Significance and Environmental concerns. 

The CER, working in conjunction with Trans Mountain, decided that it was safe to restart the pipeline at reduced pressure on December 5th and the VEOC and CER Field Response Team were told to stand down on December 7th . The pipeline has been flowing at reduced pressure since then without incident. The CER has returned to regular practices while some IMs remained in the field visiting sites and doing post-flood follow-up work. 

Last week our monitors also went out with the BC Oil & Gas Commission and participated in a drone flight over Line 1 and the Expansion Project. This was our first drone flight and our first in-field activity with a provincial regulator. 

“When emergencies happen, Indigenous communities want to participate in the larger response. We assembled a small team as part of an Indigenous response team in the field to support BC flooding. I’m very proud of the hard work the team did in the field and the time spent engaging communities, leaders and Elders,” said Ray Cardinal, Chair of the Indigenous Monitoring Subcommittee. 


Michelle Wilsdon
Indigenous Co-Chair

Tracy Fleck
Federal Co-Chair

Posted in



IAMC-TMX LINE WIDE GATHERING 2024 The Indigenous Caucus of the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and existing pipeline (IAMC-TMX) will be hosting its seventh annual Line Wide Gathering in-person on November 12-15, 2024. As the Trans Mountain pipeline enters the post construction phase, we find ourselves at a point of transition. We invite you to join us at the 2024 Line Wide Gathering to help us envision how the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee (IAMC) can best be of service to you going forward.


On May 05, the IAMC-TMX is observing Red Dress Day, also known as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S). The IAMC-TMX Socioeconomic Subcommittee is collaborating with Natural Resources Canada, the lead department for UNDA Action Plan Measure 12, to better understand and respond to the ongoing gendered and racialized violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people associated with the resource sector. On this important day, we encourage all Canadians to continue educating themselves about the MMIWG Calls for Justice and support MMIWG events in their local area.


The Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committee for Trans Mountain (IAMC-TMX) welcomes Budget 2024's investment in our continued work. We'll continue to work on shared goals of safety and protection of environmental and Indigenous interests regarding lands and water.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21, recognizes past and present injustices and prejudices founded in racial discrimination, including the ongoing social and economic repercussions for Canada’s Indigenous peoples. The IAMC-TMX Socioeconomic Subcommittee (SESC) is committed to surfacing issues related to racial discrimination, including as this links to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people, in the context of resource development activities. We show up for this work daily through direct engagement with Indigenous communities, research focused on Indigenous Peoples experience with the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, and our ongoing support to Indigenous communities building strengths in the area of socioeconomic monitoring. https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Executive_Summary.pdf

This page has an interactive map covering the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. Remember that the IAMC-TMX works on a “Without Prejudice” basis. Participation in the Committee does not indicate that a community supports or opposes the TMX Project www.iamc-tmx.com/faq/other-links-for-project-information/ #EnvironmentalProtection #IndigenousCollaboration #ClimateAction #IndigenousWisdom #SustainableFuture


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